Издание романа Джека Лондона с иллюстрациями Татьяны Паянской (Taty Payansky)
Издание романа Джека Лондона с иллюстрациями Татьяны Паянской (Taty Payansky)
«Hearts of Three»
Jack London
“Hearts of Three” is a novel written by the famous American writer Jack London shortly before his death and published in the evening newspaper New York Journal American in 1919-1920. The novel begins with a preface in which Jack London writes that he took up this work due to the lack of fresh plots for cinema. He notes that "Hearts of Three" represents a new direction in his work. The novel "Hearts of Three" turned out to be the last in the life of Jack London, and he is completely unlike all his previous works. The novel is about pure love, friendship, betrayal and treasure seekers.
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